This is my first of hopefully many blog posts. My hopes are high for this new endeavor. Whether I improve at writing technical articles and expressing my thoughts, or someone learns something from this—about software development or about me—I’ll consider it a smashing success.
Hey there! This is my first blog post on my tiny little blog—my small space in the perpetually growing internet. I know, I know, there’s X, Medium, and other platforms, but the terms and conditions aren’t mine to control. :)
I’m no perfectionist nor an expert—just a curious learner. This blog will be a collection of everything I learn along the way—whether it’s about coding, problem-solving, or simply learning to think differently about the world of software development. I’m excited to share what I pick up and what works (or doesn’t), as well as the trials and errors I encounter. This will serve as a space for my unattended thoughts. Every post will be a step toward improvement and learning.
This blog isn’t just about writing clean code or learning to build systems and scale them. It’s also about fine-tuning everything I do—be it my skills, my mindset, my lifestyle, my habits, or my approach to challenges. My aim is to bring clarity, meaning, and purpose to my mortal life.
Now, if you’re not on Netflix, chilling, and want an equally enjoyable experience, go ahead, read on, and join me on my journey. Through this, I’ll be learning the ways of shugyō, diving deep into mastering myself and the ways of computers.